Eat, Drink & Be Married 2019

Three days from their wedding, Jess and Max are about to call it off. However, Jess starts to question her decision when Max's brother enlists the help of Billie to save the wedding, and in the process starts to fall for her.

Todos los títulos
  • Eat, Drink and be Married
  • CA: Eat, Drink & Be Married Eat, Drink & Be Married
  • BG: Яжте, пийте и се оженете Яжте, пийте и се оженете
  • CA: Jíst, pít a vdát se Jíst, pít a vdát se
  • DK: Spis, drik og bliv gift Spis, drik og bliv gift
  • FR: Opération mariage Opération mariage
  • HU: Ásó, kapa, nagyharang Ásó, kapa, nagyharang
  • IT: Un matrimonio da salvare Un matrimonio da salvare
  • JP: ラブシェア ラブシェア
  • RS: Jedi, pij i venčaj se Jedi, pij i venčaj se
  • UA: Eat, Drink and be Married Eat, Drink and be Married
Fecha de lanzamiento 22 Jun 2019
Enlace IMDb
